March 16, 1991
I. The Second Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral Biologists was held at the Fiesta Americana Condesa in Acapulco, Mexico. The meeting was devoted to the presentation of the First Scientific Symposium held by the Association. The Symposium was co-sponsored by Dr. Hazen Baron and Johnson and Johnson Products , Inc. Given bellow is the title and the program of the Symposium.
MARCH 16, 1991
Oral Biology Research: Implications Beyond Dentistry
Speaker | Title of Presentations |
Richard Suddick, DDS, Ph.D University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio |
Progress Report of the Association of Oral Biologists, and Introduction to the Symposium |
Ronald Gibbons, Ph.D. Forsyth Dental Research Institute |
Bacterial Adhesions to Oral Tissues: Role in Colonizaion |
Lorne Golub, DMD, MSc State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Tetrcyclins Inhibit Connective Tissue Breakdown: New Therapeutic Implications for an Old Family of Drugs |
Israel Kleinberg, DDS, PhD State University of New York at Stony Brook |
Dentition Microenvironments: Models for Studying Micriobial Flora Engineering |
Irwin Mandel, DDS, MS Columbia University |
Diagnostic Uss of Saliva in Medicine |
Following these presentations a panel discussion was held involving all speakers.
A buffet luncheon for everyone in attendance followed the symposium. The Association wishes to acknowledge and thank Johnson and Johnson Products for hosting the luncheon.
The President's Progress Report of the Association preceded the Symposium. Excerpts are presented here as background to the history of development of the Association and the holding of this Symposium, since they represented, in addition to introducing the central topic of the Symposium, a report of the past business of the Association.Birth of a Scientific Society: Initial Milestones of the American Association of Oral Biologists. (R.P. Suddick)
"I have learned that the birth of such an organization is not a sudden event. I suggest that the first milestone was the call for formation of a scientific society of oral biologists. The need for a society of oral biologists became evident in the mid-1980's after many years of effort by individuals within the dental research and academic communities to develop and oral biology identity and academic and organizational structures that reflected and responded to the needs of oral biology as a distinct health science discipline. A call for the formation of such a society was published in an editorial in the Journal of Dental Education, entitled "Commitment to Oral Biology: Prescription for Dental Education" (Suddick, R.P., J. Dental Educ., 48: 291-297, 1984)."The first step to form a society of Oral Biologists took place in March of 1988 sponsored by the Oral Biology Chairperson's group of the AADR. It was held during the IADR/AADR meeting and listed in the IADR/AADR program as "Oral Biology Chairperson's Business Meeting."
"At this meeting, Israel Kleinberg and Richard Suddick were empowered to appoint additional members of a Pro-Tem Governing Committee from a list of Founders prepared with the aid of the Oral Biology Chairpersons, and to develop By-laws and legal articles required for doing business as a non-profit society".
"The first formal Annual Meeting of the American Association of Oral Biologists was held on Thursday, March 16, 1989 in San Francisco. This meeting was also included in the IADR/AADR program, this time under the title "Business Meeting of the AAOB'."
"At this meeting, the 34 members present discussed and suggested minor revisions to the By-Laws as drawn up by the Pro-Tem Governing Committee (John Drach, Mary Ellen Druyen, Israel Kleinberg, Braz Macedo, Michael Reed, Murray Robinovitch, Leo Sreebny and Richard Suddick). The members present also authorized the Pro-Tem Governing Committee to guide the Association during the remainder of 1989 and until March of 1990, at which time a formal election of the Officers and Directors of the Association was to be held."
"The next milestone was the AAOB meeting held in Cincinnati in March, of 1990, also in conjunction with the IADR/AADR meeting. At this meeting the By-Laws were formally ratified by unanimous vote of the 32 members present, and the first full slate of officers of the Association was elected, as follows:
President: Richard Suddick President Elect: Israel Kleinberg Secretary Treasurer: Jerry Pollock Program Officer: Lorne Golub Elected Director: Mary Ellen Druyen and Stanley Holt The Director-At-Large: Subsequently appointed by the President and President-Elect were: Kenneth Etzel and Joseph Kanapka" "The next milestone was an extremely fortuitions one. This relates to the relationship that developed between the Association and new CRC journal, 'CRC Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine'. This journal was particularly suited to the society's needs since the articles are of extremely high quality and suitable for the teaching of Oral Biology at the undergraduate and graduate levels, for defining the field of Oral Biology, and for providing reviews for researchers interested in oral biological topics. (see Editor's report for more information on the journal and this relationship.)"
"The most recent milestone in this event, the First Scientific Symposium of the Association. Most of the credit for arranging this Symposium rests with Dr. Lorne Golub. The theme, the speakers and topic, and the relevance of this Symposium regarding the larger vision that we all share of the place of oral biology in the education of dentists, physicians and other health professionals, are a tribute to Larry's charm and persistence to bring these distinguished speakers to us today. Thank you Larry!"
"Finally, let me offer my personal thank you to this outstanding panel of speakers and the distinguished audience of oral biologists who are sharing this historic event".
II. The luncheon meeting, in concept with Dr. Suddick's report at the outset of the Symposium, served the purpose of presenting the business report of the Second Annual Meeting.
III. It had become clear to the Board during the first year of operation that certain amendments to the Bylaws may be required: Article VI, Section 1; Article VII, Section 5: Article X; Articles XI; and Article XII. A ballot providing specific wording of these proposed amendments will be mailed to all members before August 1, 1991, along with the Board's analyses and recommendations. A second ballot containing the Nominating Committee's nominations for new officers for 1991-92 will also be included. Normally, such a ballot would have been sent before the meeting in Acapulco but because the full Nominating Committee could not have been in place (no Past-President), to comply with the by-laws, this ballot was delayed until a full committee could be constituted.
IV. The Board felt that it would serve the interests of the Association by publishing with the Annual Proceedings the Bylaws of the Association on a periodic basis. This process will begin with the 1992 Proceedings, and thence published together with the Associations's Annual Proceedings on each third anniversary from the date of the first publication of the Bylaws in the Journal. since some of the Bylaws in the Journal. Since some of the Bylaws may be revised via the forthcoming mail ballot it was suggested that the first publication of the Bylaws in the official Journal of the Association be done following the 1992 Annual Meeting of the AAOB.
V. Editor's Report (Olav Alvares):
"Here is a brief report on the CRC Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. Volume I has already appeared in print. Issue #1 of Volume II recently appeared in print. The publisher has received manuscripts for Volume II, Issues #2 and 3. Volume II, Issues #2 and 3. Volume II, Issue #4 is ready to go to the publisher, but is being held back pending the receipt of the proceedings of the AAOB Second Annual Meeting (1991) in Acapulco, Looking beyond Volume II, there are 26 manuscripts that are in various stages (undergoing peer review, revision or preparation). In addition, two issues will be dedicated to a National Symposium titled (Contemporary Developments in Salivary Research. Based on past experience, these 26 manuscripts and the National Symposium should ensure uninterrupted publication well into the latter half of 1993"."It is the editor's intent to continue to always have a good number of manuscripts in various stages of review and revision to offset missed deadlines by authors. To date, this approach has worked well. Most of the authors were invited to write the review articles: Those who volunteered to write articles constitute a minority. The Editorial Board and the Editorial Assistant provided good supportive assistance."
"On receipt of manuscripts, they are sent out for peer review. the list of reviewers for Volume I, Issues #1-4, is acknowledged in Volume I, Issue #4. the individuals who are on that list are much respected experts in a given field. There is, at most, a nine-month interval between 'accepted for publication' are 'article in print'."
"To date, there are 175 subscriptions. So far, publicity of this journal has been largely confined to the continental U.S. The immediate goal of the editor is to publicize this journal along the European and Japanese members of the IADR."
"Related to the AAOB, beginning with Volume I, Issue #1, the cover of the journal has carried the statement 'An official Publication of the american Association of Oral Biologists'. Parenthetically, this was a "first" for CRC Press Critical Review series and it has driven the publishers to pursue the editors of other CRC Critical Review Journals to seek sponsorship of appropriate scientific societies. The AAOB membership application blank first appeared in Volume I, Issue #2, and this will go on with every issue thereafter."
"At the Cincinnati meeting I said I would try and obtain a lower subscription rate for AAOB members. A lower rate ($45 for members vs. $69 for non-members) has been in effect for a little less than a year. A flyer to this effect was mailed by CRC Press several months back. To make sure this is more widely known to AAOB members, CRC Press mailed a complimentary copy of Volume II, Issue #1 along with subscription information to all AAOB members this past week."
"The minutes of the Cincinnati Business Meeting appeared in print in Volume I, Issue #4. The intent is to print the minutes in Issue #4 of each volume".
"I invite the membership of the AAOB to forward to me their constructive criticisms and suggestions for improving the journal."
"Thank you."
VI. The last item of business was to pass the mantel of President of the Association to Israel Kleinberg who served this past year as President-Elect. The new President respectfully accepted the office as the leader of the Association during the 1991-1992 academic year.
Minutes submitted by Israel Kleinberg, AAOB President