Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington
March 10, 1994
(Excerpted from the AAOB Newsletter, Volume 3 Number 1 - February 1995)
The 1994 Annual AAOB business meeting was held on Thursday, March 10, 1994 at the Westin Hotel, Seattle, Washington. Dr. Barry Rifkin, AAOB president, opened the meeting and extended his appreciation to the AAOB officers for their input during the preceding year. He then set the agenda and lead the membership in their discussion of the following items of business.
Item 1: Dr. John J. Clarkson, Executive Director of the International and American Associations for Dental Research (IADR/AADR) addressed the membership and discussed the possibility of the IADR/AADR assuming publication rights to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine,an official publication of the American Association of Oral Biologists. The membership was made aware by Dr. Olav Alvares, Editor of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicinethat CRC Press had sold the journal to Begell House, Inc., a publisher of medical journals based in New York City. In the ensuing discussion it was generally agreed that if the IADR/AADR assumed publication of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine,the journal would remain the official journal of the American Association of Oral Biologists. Furthermore, Dr. Rifkin was directed by the membership to contact Begell House.
Item 2: At the 1993 Annual AAOB business meeting a motion was passed that the Association should publish a Newsletter with no limit on the life of the Newsletter. However, each year at the Annual Meeting, there would be an evaluation of its effectiveness and how the Newsletter format may be changed and whether the Newsletter should be continued. Two issues of the Newsletter were published during 1993-1994 (Vol. 1, No. 1 in September 1993; and Vol. 2, No. 1 in February 1994). Dr. Steven London requested input from the membership concerning the continuation of the Newsletter. It was the consensus of the members present that the Newsletter should be continued and that there should be no change in its format. Dr. London informed the membership that he and Dr. Blackburn would continue to act as Editors of the Newsletter and would publish at least one Newsletter before the March 1995 Joint AADR/AADS meetings in San Antonio, Texas.
Item 3: Dr. Hershall Kaufman, Chair, Oral Biology Section of the AADS updated the membership on the sections activities and ways in which this organization can interact with the AAOB. He then informed the membership that a resolution would go before the 1994 AADS House of Delegates which would replace the current discipline based system for curriculum guidelines with competency based curriculum guidelines. (A summary of this discussion is contained on page 9 - 10 of this Newsletter. In addition, a letter dated December 27, 1993 which was sent to the Chairs and Chairs-Elect of the AADS Basic Science Sections by Dr. Kaufman and which discusses this issue is contained on page 10 - 11 of the AAOB Newsletter (Volume 3, Issue 1, February, 1995).
Item 4: Dr. Frank Dowd outlined the contents of the AAOB/IADR/AADS jointly sponsored symposium New Trends in Oral Biology Education which was to be held on Saturday, March 12, 1994. Speakers included: Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona (University of Pittsburgh), Dr. William Hendricson (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio); Dr. Lynn Johnson (University of Iowa); and Dr. Frank Dowd (Creighton University). Dr. Dowd also reported that 47 of the 54 U. S. dental schools had completed the AAOB Survey on the Status of Oral Biology Education. (A more detailed description of the symposium, which includes descriptions of the AAOB Oral Biology Survey and the AAOB National Board Assessment Committee Report is contained on page 6 - 9 of this Newsletter.)
Item 5: Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona reported that an AAOB Junior Scientist award program was initiated in 1994. The purpose of the program is to promote oral biology and educate the public about the nature of oral biology. She announced the 1994 winners and offered her help in allowing other members to initiate similar programs in their communities. (Further information on the AAOB Junior Scientist Award program appears on page 5 of this Newsletter.)
Item 6: Dr. Thomas F. McNamara reported that the current balance of Association funds is approximately $5,000.
Item 7: The following members were elected or appointed officers for 1994-1995:
President: | Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona University of Pittsburgh |
President-Elect: | Murray R. Robinovitch University of Washington |
Secretary/Treasurer: | Thomas McNamara SUNY, Stony Brook |
Elected Directors: | Kenneth T. Izutsu (1993-1995) University of Washington |
Lorne Golub (1994-1996) SUNY, Stony Brook |
Appointed Directors: | Andrew Spielman (1994-1995) New York University |
Steven London (1994-1995) Medical Univ. of South Carolina |
Past President: | Barry Rifkin New York University |
Program Officer: | Kenneth Etzel University of Pittsburgh |
Editor, CRC Press: | Olav Alvares (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) |
With no further business items to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 P.M.
Prepared and submitted by Dr. T.F. McNamara, Secretary/Treasurer.