San Antonio Convention Center
March 11, 1995
(Excerpted from the AAOB Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 1 - February 1996)
The 1995 Annual AAOB business meeting was held on Saturday, March 11, 1995 at the San Antonio Convention Center. Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona, AAOB president, opened the meeting and extended her appreciation to the AAOB officers for their input during the preceding year. She then set the agenda and lead the membership in their discussion of the following items of business.
Item 1: The minutes of the AAOB business meeting on March 10, 1994 in Seattle, Washington were accepted as presented the February, 1995 issue (Volume 3, Issue 1) of the American Association of Oral Biologists Newsletter.
Item 2: Dr. Thomas F. McNamara reported that the current balance of Association funds is $4,356.30. There were approximately 80 members in good standing in 1994. Dr. McNamara reported that 1995 Dues Notices would be sent out after the annual meeting in San Antonio following the resolution of the collection of subscription fees for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine (see item 11 below).
Item 3: Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona thanked Dr. Thomas F. McNamara for his service as AAOB Secretary/Treasurer from 1993-1995. Dr. McNamara has taken on additional administrative responsibilities at his institution and has resigned as AAOB Secretary/Treasurer as of March 1995. Dr. Steven D. London has been appointed by the AAOB Board of Directors to complete Dr. McNamara's term.
Item 4: Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona reported that an AAOB Junior Scientist award program which was initiated in 1994 in Pittsburgh, PA was continued in 1995. The purpose of the program is to promote oral biology and educate the public about the nature of oral biology. She announced the 1995 winners and encouraged other members to initiate similar programs in their communities where Junior Academies of Sciences (or similar programs) exist.
Item 5: The following members were elected or appointed officers for 1995-1996:
President: | Murray R. Robinovitch University of Washington |
President-Elect: | Frank Dowd Creighton University |
Secretary/Treasurer: | Steven D. London (1995-1996) Medical University of South Carolina |
Elected Directors: | Lorne Golub (1994-1996) SUNY, Stony Brook |
Mark Wolff (1995-1997) SUNY, Stony Brook |
Appointed Directors: | Andrew Spielman (1995-1996) New York University |
Firoz Rahemtulla (1995-1996) University of Alabama |
Program Officer: | Kenneth Etzel (1994-1996) University of Pittsburgh |
Past President: | Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona University of Pittsburgh |
Editor, CROBM: | Olav Alvares (Univ. of Texas, San Antonio) |
Item 6: The Bylaws Committee and the membership unanimously accepted a motion that the Editor of our official journal, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and MedicineI, serve as an official officer of the American Association of Oral Biologists.
Item 7: The issue of Founding Member Status was addressed by the membership. Article XII of the AAOB Bylaws "FOUNDERS OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF ORAL BIOLOGISTS" and Article XI, Section 1 of the AAOB Bylaws "RATIFICATION OF BYLAWS AND INAUGURAL MEETING" states: "By virtue of their signatures of approval, and actual support as outlined in Article XI, Section 1, the signatories of the predecessor of this document shall be known as Founders of the American Association of Oral Biologists, and their names shall remain affixed to these Bylaws permanently. This list of Founders, shall be included in Article XII arranged in alphabetical order of the last names. .........". Article XI, Section 1: ......... Following a formative period of circa five years, individuals who signed the original Bylaws document shall be known as the "Founders of the Association of Oral Biologists" provided such individuals support the Association as evidence by paying the official dues assessed to all members. Original signers who may be in arrears shall have until December 30, 1993 to certify their status as Founders and members in good standing. As of January 1, 1994, any individuals listed as Founders who are not due paying members shall be deleted from the list of Founders".
While the Bylaws state that the deadline for payment of dues for Founding members is December 30, 1993 the membership agreed that all members shall have until December 31, 1995 to pay past dues and retain their Founding member status. Thus, any member who has not paid $12.00 for each of the five years including 1989 - 1993 by December 31, 1995 will not be included on the official list of founders.
Item 8: Dr. Kathleen Dobreosielski-Vergona reported that the International and American Associations for Dental Research (IADR/AADR) purchased Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, an official publication of the American Association of Oral Biologists on December 7, 1994 from Begell House, Inc. The IADR/AADR and the Central Office Publication Department will publish and manage the Journal with Dr. Olav Alvares continuing as the Editor. The IADR/AADR agreed that the Journal, in its present format, can continue to be the official journal of the American Association of Oral Biologists. The Subscription rate for members of the AAOB and all IADR members in 1995 will be $45.00 for four issues.
Item 9: Dr. Kathleen Dobreosielski-Vergona thanked Dr. Olav Alvares and Dr. John J. Clarkson (Executive Director, IADR/AADR) for their support and efforts in the transfer of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine to the IADR/AADR and in their working together in the AAOB interests to keep the Journal an official publication of the American Association of Oral Biologists. Dr. Kathleen Dobreosielski-Vergona also thanked the IADR/AADR for providing reduced subscription rates to AAOB members.
Item 10: At the AAOB Business Meeting on March 11, 1993 in Chicago, the membership passed a resolution that all full members would be required to subscribe to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine on an annual basis. This resolution was not enforced in 1994 due to the confusion created by the transfer of the Journal from CRC Press to Begell House. However, with the resolution of this situation by the sale of the Journal to IADR/AADR this past December, the membership reaffirmed that subscription to the Journal will now be mandatory for all full members beginning in 1995. Dues for full members will be $57.00. This includes $12.00 AAOB dues and the $45.00 subscription fee for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. It was agreed by the membership that subscription to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine would be optional for associate (student) and retired members.
Item 11: The membership considered several options for the integration of the collection of membership dues and the subscription fee for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. One option was to use the centralized billing services of the IADR/AADR. The cost of this service would be $2.00/member or ~ 17% of our annual $12.00 dues. After discussion of this and other options, the membership decided that the Secretary/Treasurer should directly bill members for association dues and will collect and forward the subscription fees for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine to the IADR/AADR.
With no further business items to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Prepared and submitted by Dr. Steven D. London, Secretary/Treasurer.