Golden Gate Salon A3, San Francisco Marriott Hotel
March 16, 1996
(Excerpted from the AAOB Newsletter, Volume 4, Issue 2 - August 1996)
The 1996 Annual AAOB business meeting was held on Saturday, March 16, 1996 from 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. in Golden Gate Salon A3, San Francisco Marriott Hotel. Dr. Murray R. Robinovitch, AAOB president, opened the meeting and extended his appreciation to the AAOB officers for their input during the preceding year. He then set the agenda and lead the membership in their discussion of the following items of business.
Item 1: The minutes of the AAOB business meeting on Saturday, March 11, 1995 at the San Antonio Convention Center were accepted as presented in the February, 1996 issue (Volume 4, Issue 1) of the American Association of Oral Biologists Newsletter.
Item 2: Dr. Steven D. London, AAOB Secretary/Treasurer reported that the balance of Association funds as of March 12, 1996 was $5,998.06. There were 112 members in good standing for the 1995 calendar year. Dr. London reported that 1996 Dues will be $57.00 and include $12.00 AAOB Dues and $45.00 for the 1996 issues Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. Subscription to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine will remain optional for associate (student) and retired members. Dues Notices were sent out in February, 1996.
1995 marked the first year that all full association members were required to subscribe to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine . Dr. London reported that he collected and forwarded $4,590.00 in subscription fees for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine to the IADR/AADR. Dr. London reported that the transfer of money to the IADR for Journal subscriptions went smoothly and acknowledged Mr. Bobby Phipps (IADR Membership Dues Coordinator) for his help in the coordination of the Journal subscriptions for AAOB members.
Item 3: Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona reported that the results of the 1996 AAOB election were not yet available. It was agreed at the Annual Meeting that the 1996 AAOB officers would be listed in the next issue of the AAOB Newsletter and be included in the minutes of the 1996 Annual Meeting. The following members were elected or appointed officers for 1996-1997:
President: | Frank Dowd Creighton University |
President-Elect: | Frank Oppenheim Boston University |
Secretary/Treasurer: | Steven D. London (1996-1999) Medical University of South Carolina |
Elected Directors: | Mark Wolff (1995-1997) SUNY, Stony Brook |
Lorne Golub (1996-1998) SUNY, Stony Brook |
Appointed Directors: | Andrew Spielman (1996-1997) New York University |
Firoz Rahemtulla (1996-1997) University of Alabama |
Past President: | Murray R. Robinovitch University of Washington |
Program Officer: | Beverly Dale-Crunk (1996-1998) University of Washington |
Editor, CROBM: | Olav Alvares Univ. of Texas, San Antonio |
Item 4: Dr. Kenneth Etzel, 1996 Chair of the AADS Oral Biology Section reported that the section had approximately 180 members. However, he expressed the section's concern that the phase in of the one section per basic AADS membership rule would result in the decreased viability of the Oral Biology section. In response to this challenge, he reported that the section will continue its close relationship with the AAOB and would develop new programs to maintain the sections viability. Two programs that will be pursued in the following year include the development of a pool of problem based learning cases for oral biology as well as an examination test bank of oral biology questions. Dr. Etzel invited AAOB members to participate in the activities of the AADS Oral Biology section.
Item 5: Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona announced the 1995 winners of the AAOB Junior Scientist award program which was held on February 3, 1996 in Breidgeville, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the program is to promote oral biology and educate the public about the nature of oral biology. She reported that there was a large increase in the number of oral biology projects once this award was initiated at the Annual Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Sciences meeting and encouraged other members to initiate similar programs in their communities where Junior Academies of Sciences (or similar programs) exist.
Item 6: Dr. Olav Alvares, Editor of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, expressed his appreciation to the IADR/AADR for their excellent management of the Journal during the past year. He reported a healthy increase in the number of Journal subscriptions from ~180 when the IADR/AADR acquired the Journal in December 1994 to between 500 and 600 at the present time. He reported having 55 manuscripts in various stages of preparation and that the IADR is considering increasing the number of issues from the current rate of four/year to six issues in 1997. Dr. Alvares reported that the subscription rate for members of the AAOB and all IADR members in 1996 will remain at $45.00. Dr. Alvares expressed his appreciation for the support of the AAOB and its members. Dr. Dabbous expressed his and the membership's appreciation to Dr. Alvares for his efforts as the Journal's editor.
Item 7: Dr. Murray R. Robinovitch, AAOB President, initiated a discussion of a number of items of New Business. They included:
- A call for the membership to publicize the AAOB and solicit new members at their or other institutions. In addition, it was agreed by the membership to solicit by mail current subscribers of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine for membership in the AAOB. Dr. Frank Dowd, the incoming AAOB president, reported that he will write a letter to this effect and Dr. Steven London agreed to contact the IADR for a list of current subscribers and to mail Dr. Dowd's letter and an AAOB Application Form to any subscribers who are not currently AAOB members.
- Dr. Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona was appointed to head an Ad Hoc Committee to evaluate Part 2 of the National Dental Boards for Oral Biology content. Dr. Dobrosielski-Vergona will report the committees findings to the membership at the 1997 annual meeting in Orlando, Florida.
- Dr. Steven London, AAOB Secretary/Treasurer reported that the association has a number of international members who had inquired if international division(s) exist. The membership agreed that while the AAOB is not large enough to have divisions, the association is international in scope and welcomes members from throughout the world. The association also would encourage any international member(s) to solicit additional members for the association. In addition, the membership would consider appointing international member(s) as a regional representatives of the association.
- Because the AAOB Bylaws have not been formally reviewed since March 1992, Dr. Robinovitch called for the two Appointed Directors to serve as a Bylaws Review Committee and to evaluate whether any changes in the Bylaws are needed at the present time. In addition, Dr. Robinovitch asked this committee, in consultation with the Membership Committee composed of the two Elected Directors, to evaluate the current AAOB membership application form. These committees were asked to make any recommendations to the membership at the 1997 annual meeting in Orlando, Florida.
With no further business items to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 1:00 P.M.
Prepared and submitted by Dr. Steven D. London, Secretary/Treasurer.