Published at the College of Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina
Volume 3, Issue 2
April, 1995
Letter from the Editors
This is a combined 1995 Dues Notice and AAOB Newsletter. This edition of the Newsletter contains important information for all members concerning their membership status and an explanation of the enclosed 1995 Dues Notice. In addition, this Newsletter contains information for the members concerning Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine , an official publication of the American Association of Oral Biologists. Other items of interest include the announcement of the 1995-1996 AAOB officers and information concerning the initiation of an AAOB Home Page on the World Wide Web. An AAOB Membership application is also enclosed. All current members are encouraged to sponsor their colleagues and students for membership in the AAOB by signing a membership form in their behalf.
On behalf of the membership of the American Association of Oral Biologists the editors of this Newsletter and the AAOB Board of Directors would like to thank Dr. Thomas F. McNamara for his service as AAOB Secretary/Treasurer from 1993-1995. Dr. McNamara has taken on additional administrative responsibilities at his institution and has resigned as AAOB Secretary/Treasurer as of March 1995. Dr. Steven D. London has been appointed by the AAOB Board of Directors to complete Dr. McNamara's term. Since the March 1995 AAOB Business Meeting, Dr. London has received the official AAOB records and has prepared the 1995 membership Dues Notice which are included in this mailing.
The AAOB Enters the World Wide Web in 1995
By early May 1995 the AAOB will have a home page on the World Wide Web. The home page will "live" at the Medical
University of South Carolina. The Association would like to express it's appreciation to the College of Dental Medicine and
the Medical University of South Carolina for its support of this important new AAOB initiative. The input of the membership is
solicited for comments concerning the contents and direction this new initiative should take. Please address your comments to
Steven D. London either via the AAOB Home Page on the World Wide Web or at the address listed on the last page of this Newsletter.
Some items that will be available include past issues of the Newsletter, AAOB Bylaws, AAOB Membership Directory, AAOB
application materials, and links to other dental sites on the World Wide Web. The AAOB home page can be accessed at the
following address by using a World Wide Web browser (e.g. Mosaic, Netscape, or your particular favorite).
The AAOB Newsletter
Steven D. London, D.D.S., Ph.D., Editor
John G. Blackburn, Ph.D., Co-Editor
The AAOB Newsletter is published for the members of the American Association of Oral Biologists and other's interested in the discipline of Oral Biology. Statements in this publication do not constitute an endorsement by the College of Dental Medicine or the Medical University of South Carolina. All correspondence should be directed to Dr. Steven London, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical University of South Carolina, 171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina 29425.
1995 AAOB Officers
The following members were elected or appointed officers for 1995-1996:
President: Murray R. Robinovitch – University of Washington
President-Elect: Frank Dowd – Creighton University
Secretary/Treasurer: Steven D. London – Medical University of South Carolina
Elected Directors: Lorne Golub (1994-1996) – SUNY, Stony Brook, Mark Wolff (1995-1997) – SUNY, Stony Brook
Appointed Directors: Firoz Rahemtulla – University of Alabama, Andrew Spielmanm – New York University
Program Officer: Kenneth R. Etzel – University of Pittsburgh
Past-President: Kathleen Dobrosielski-Vergona – University of Pittsburgh
Editor, CROBM: Olav Alvares – Univ. of Texas, San Antonio
Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine to be Published by the International and American
Associations for Dental Research
In December 1994 Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine was acquired by the IADR/AADR. Dr. Olav
Alvares, Editor of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine reports that progress is well under way
with the new publisher on the 1995 Volume 6 issues. The first 1995 issue is scheduled for publication next month
(May 1995). The Journal is an important source of information for teachers, researchers, and graduate students
in the all aspects of Oral Biology. This is an exciting Journal which is of interest to all our members. Some
titles of manuscripts that will appear in forthcoming issues of the Journal are:
- Chemokines and Leukocyte Migration.
- Understanding the Role of Phosphotyrosine Signaling Pathway in the Parotid Gland.
- Angiogenesis.
- Premalignant Oral Lesions.
- Apoptosis and Cell Transformation in Craniofacial Development.
- Molecular Biology of Enamel Formation.
- Transgeneic Mice: Models for Genetic Engineering.
- Microbiological Testing in Dental Practice.
- Response of Dental Nerves and Periapical Innervation to Injury.
- In vivo Biocompatibility of Dental Materials.
- Retinoid Receptors on Keratinocytes.
- Genetics of Periodontal Disease.
Information Concerning Volume 5 (1994) Issues of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine
In the fall of 1993 Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine was sold from the original publisher, CRC Press, to Begell
House. Dr. Olav Alvares acknowledges that Begell House did not adequately service previous subscribers of the Journal. Unfortunately
this situation was beyond his control. As a result of this situation, a number of members have inquired about the status, contents,
and ability to obtain 1994 issues of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine . All 1994 issues of the Journal were
published by Begell House (Volume 5 Issues 1, 2, and a combined Issue 3 and 4). The sale agreement calls for Begell House to turn
over back issues to the IADR/AADR. Members who are interested in receiving 1994 issues of the Journal should contact Mr.
Arthur H. McCann at the IADR/AADR business office (703-548-0066). Volume 5 (1994) is available to AAOB members from the
IADR/AADR at the reduced rate of $45.00. The contents of the 1994 issues of the Journal follow:
Volume 5, Issue 1:
Composition and Cariogenic Potential of Dental Plaque Fluid (H.C. Margolis and E.C. Moreno)
Sex Steroid Hormones and Cell Dynamics in the Periodontium (A. Mariotti)
Internal Organization in the Human Jaw Muscles (A.G. Hannam and A.S. McMillan)
Volume 5, Issue 2:
Cell Adhesion Molecules in Inflammation and Immunity: Relevance to Periodontal Diseases (J.M. Crawford and K. Watanabe)
Candida and Oral Candidosis: A Review (C. Scully, M. El-Kabir, and L.P. Samaranayake)
HIV-related Tumors of the Oral Cavity (G. Ficarra and L.E. Eversole)
Volume 5, Issue 3 and 4:
Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Craniofacial Research: Some Strategies (E.D. Schneiderman and C.J. Kowalski)
Saliva-Bacterium Interactions in Oral Microbial Ecology (F.A. Scannapieco)
Cytokines and T Cell Switching (E. Gemmell and G.J. Seymour)
Developmental aspects of Fluid and Electrolyte Secretion in Salivary Glands (J. Ricardo Martinez)
Signal Transduction Mechanisms in Mesenchymal Cells (B.S. McAllister, J.D. Walters, and M.S. Olson)
The Role of Proteoglycans in Hard and Soft Tissue Repair (C.N. Bertolami and D.V. Messadi)
1995 AAOB Dues Notice To AAOB Members from Steven D. London, Secretary/Treasurer
The enclosed 1995 Dues Notice contains complete financial information for each member. The account activity for each member
is indicated from 1989 (the initial year of operation of the Association) until April 1995. The year you joined the Association
is indicated as well as whether you are a "Founding Member". For the purpose of this billing cycle, any member who
joined the Association in 1989 is designated a "Founding Member". Founding Member Status will be more fully discussed below.
All members are asked to support their Association by becoming current in their dues. The dues you have paid for each year are indicated in the invoice. An X indicates that dues for a particular year have not been paid. NM indicates that you were not a member in a particular year and thus owe no dues for that year. Several members have either paid their 1995 dues or have a credit which has been carried into 1995. However, for most members, 1995 appears blank. The amount due includes $57.00 for 1995 and $12.00 for each prior year for which dues have not been received. 1995 dues include $12.00 AAOB membership dues and $45.00 subscription fee for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine . The requirement for members to subscribe to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine will be more fully discussed below. Options available to Retired Full Members, Student Members, and members who reside outside of the United States or Canada concerning their subscriptions to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine are included in the following section.
Please return the lower portion of the enclosed 1995 Dues Notice with your payment in the enclosed prepaid envelope. Please indicate the date, check number, and amount paid on the invoice. In addition, please make any comments regarding the enclosed Dues Notice or any aspect of the AAOB in the space provided on the invoice. The Secretary/Treasurer has tried to be as accurate as possible in preparing the Dues Notices. Please let me know in the comment section if you feel there is an error in your bill. I would like to assure you that I will try to resolve any errors in an expedient a manner as possible.
AAOB Membership Dues Have Remained Constant at $12.00 per Year and Include an Additional $45.00 Subscription Fee for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine Beginning in 1995
In 1987, an initial version of the Association's Bylaws document was circulated to individual Oral Biologists for signatures of approval of the formation of this Association. The Bylaws were approved at the Inaugural Meeting of the Association which was held in Montreal, Canada during March of 1988. Collection of membership dues ($12.00 per year) was initiated for the calendar year 1989 by consensus of the membership at the First Annual Meeting of the Association which was held in San Francisco during March of 1989. Association dues have remained constant since the Association's inception in 1989 at $12.00 per year.
In 1990 AAOB member Olav Alvares initiated publication of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine . The fundamental goal of this journal was and continues to be to provide critical reviews on facets of Oral Biology that will serve as a valuable resource to teachers, researchers, and graduate students in the all encompassing field of Oral Biology. The first issue appeared in print early in 1990 and the Journal was adopted by the Association as "An Official Publication of the American Association of Oral Biologists". At the March 1993 Annual Meeting of the Association in Chicago, the membership passed a resolution which stated:
"subscription to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine shall be made part of the membership dues for all Full Members and that Student Members would have the option of subscribing to the Journal"
A reduced subscription fee of $45.00 per year was negotiated with the publisher, CRC Press, for AAOB members. Pursuant to the above resolution, subscription to the Journal was to be mandatory as of 1994. However, in the fall of 1993 CRC Press sold Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine to Begell House, a New York based scientific publisher. Due to the confusion created by the transfer of the Journal from CRC Press to Begell House, the resolution of mandatory subscription to the Journal was not enforced in 1994. Thus, membership dues remained $12.00 for 1994. In December 1994 the Journal was sold to the International and American Association for Dental Research (IADR/AADR). The IADR/AADR will begin publishing Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine in 1995.
The Journal has remained "An Official Publication of the American Association of Oral Biologists" with both Begell House and the IADR/AADR as publishers. A reduced subscription fee for AAOB members of $45.00 per year was also negotiated with the IADR/AADR. At the March 1995 Annual Meeting of the Association in San Antonio, the membership upheld the resolution of mandatory subscription to the Journal for all Full Members with the resolution commencing for the 1995 calendar year. Thus, dues for Full Members in 1995 will be $57.00 . This includes $12.00 AAOB membership dues and the $45.00 subscription fee for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine.
Any member who resides outside of the United States or Canada has the option of having the Journal delivered by air for an additional $31.80 ($88.80 total). Members who reside outside of the United States or Canada and wish expedited delivery of the Journal should include $88.80 when they remit their 1995 dues and indicate their desire to receive the Journal by air in the comments section of the return receipt. Dues for Student Members in 1995 is $12.00 . Subscription to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine is optional but strongly encouraged for Student Members. Student Members who wish to receive Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine should remit $57.00 and indicate their desire to receive the Journal in the comments section of the return receipt. Finally, subscription to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine is optional for Retired Full Members . Please help me update the AAOB records by indicating whether you are a Retired Full Member in the comments section of the return receipt. If you are retired and desire to receive the Journal please submit the invoiced amount (which includes $57.00 for the 1995 calander year). If you are retired and do not desire to receive the Journal please indicate this in the comments section and subtract $45.00 from the total invoiced amount.
All members should not subscribe to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine on an individual basis. The Secretary/Treasurer will transfer $45.00 of your 1995 dues for your yearly subscription to the Journal to the IADR/AADR. Members should expect to receive the Journal in a timely manner since the first 1995 issue is expected to be published next month (May 1995).
AOB Founding Member Status
The second issue of importance this year concerns the Founding Status of AAOB members. Article XII of the AAOB By Laws
Article XII: "By virtue of their signatures of approval, and actual support as outlined in Article XI, Section 1, the signatories of the predecessor of this document shall be known as Founders of the American Association of Oral Biologists, and their names shall remain affixed to these Bylaws permanently. This list of Founders, shall be included in Article XII arranged in alphabetical order of the last names. .........". Article XI, Section 1: ......... Following a formative period of circa five years, individuals who signed the original By-laws document shall be known as the "Founders of the Association of Oral Biologists" provided such individuals support the Association as evidence by paying the official dues assessed to all members. Original signers who may be in arrears shall have until December 30, 1993 to certify their status as Founders and members in good standing. As of January 1, 1994, any individuals listed as Founders who are not due paying members shall be deleted from the list of Founders".
While the Bylaws state that the deadline for payment of dues for Founding members is December 30, 1993 the membership agreed at the March 1995 Annual Meeting of the Association in San Antonio that all members shall have until December 31, 1995 to pay past dues and retain their Founding member status. All members who are listed as "Founding Members" on the enclosed invoice and who have paid $12.00 for the five years including 1989 - 1993 will appear on the official list of Founders attached to Article XII of the Association Bylaws. Members who have not paid $12.00 for each of the five years 1989 - 1993, but who pay the enclosed invoice in full, will also appear on the official list of Founders. ANY MEMBER WHO HAS NOT PAID $12.00 FOR EACH OF THE FIVE YEARS INCLUDING 1989 - 1993 BY DECEMBER 31, 1995 WILL NOT BE INCLUDED ON THE OFFICIAL LIST OF FOUNDERS.
..... Please remit your dues to the Secretary/Treasurer in the enclosed prepaid envelope or
mail them to the Secretary/Treasurer at the following address:
Dr. Steven D. London
Secretary/Treasurer, AAOB
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Medical University of South Carolina
171 Ashley Avenue
Charlesston, South Carolina 29425
[(803) 792-2152; FAX (803) 792-2464; E-Mail: Steve_London@SMTPGW.MUSC.EDU]