Barry R. Rifkin, Professor and Division Head, Director of the Graduate Program. D.D.S. (Temple Univ.), Ph.D. (Experimental Pathology ,Univ. Rochester). Area of research: osteoclast function.
Robert Boylan, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Microbiology , Univ. Maryland), post doc: Univ. of Rochester. Area of research: identification of periodontal pathogens.
Ronald G. Craig, Associate Professor, D.M.D. (Univ. Pennsylvania), Ph.D. (Oral Biology , Univ. Connecticut), Periodontist (Univ. Connecticut), post doc: Univ. Pennsylvania. Area of research: periodontal wound healing.
John Spencer Evans, Assistant Professor, D.D.S., (Univ. of Illinois, Chicago), Ph.D., (Biophysical Chemistry/NMR , California Institute of Technology), post doc: California Institute of Technology. Area of research: biomineralization.
Joseph B. Guttenplan, Professor, Ph.D. (Chemistry , Brandeis Univ.), post doc: Max Plank Institute, Gottingen, Germany and Univ. California,Berkeley. Area of research: chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis.
Regina Landesberg, Assistant Professor, D.M.D. (Univ. Connecticut), Oral Surgery (Univ. Rochester, NY), Ph.D. (Molecular Biology , Rochester Univ.). Area of research: condrocyte/bone biology.
Gene C. Lavers, Associate Professor, Ph.D., (Biochemistry , New York Univ.), post doc: Columbia Univ. Area of research: information storage and transfer in biological systems.
Racquel Z. LeGeros, Professor, Ph.D. (Chemistry , New York Univ.). Area of research: formation and stability of biological and synthetic calcium phosphates.
Harald A. Linke, Professor, Ph.D. (Microbiology , Univ. Gottingen, Germany), post doc: Rutgers Univ. Area of research: etiology of dental caries and periodontal disease.
Jane McCutcheon, Assistant Professor, D.D.S. (Univ. Iowa), Ph.D. (Oral Biology , Univ. Iowa), post doc: Stanford Univ. Area of research: molecular biology of major histocompatibility antigens class I.
Martin Roy, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Biology , New York Univ.). Area of research: experimental hematology/endocrine physiology.
James J. Sciote, Assistant Professor, D.D.S., (Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill), Orthodontics (Univ. Michigan), Ph.D. Oral Biology , Univ. Michigan), post doc: Univ. of London, UK. Area of research: muscle contractile properties/functional and biochemical study of contractile proteins.
Inder J. Singh, Professor, D.D.S. (Columbia Univ.), Ph.D. (Anatomy , Univ. Oregon), post doc: NIH. Area of research: innervation of bone.
Andrew I. Spielman, Associate Professor, D.M.D. (Romania), Oral Surgery (Technion, Haifa, Israel), Ph.D. (Biochemistry , Univ. of Toronto, Canada), post doc: Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia. Areas of research: taste mechanisms; salivary adhesion,promoting factors, human chemical communications.
Anthony T. Vernillo, Associate Professor, D.D.S. (Case Western Univ.), Ph.D. (Pathology, Univ. Chicago), Oral Pathology (Univ. Chicago), post doc: Yale Univ. School of Med. Areas of research: tetracyclines and bone cell metabolism.
Martin Wallenstein, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Physiology , Univ. Pennsylvania), post doc: Columbia Univ. Area of research: Role of prostaglandins in bone healing.