Published at the College of Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina
Volume 7, Issue 1
February, 1999
Letter from the Editors
This year, the AAOB will sponsor an international symposium jointly with the Japanese Association of Oral Biologists entitled "Cytokine Biology and Oral Disease". Please plan on attending this symposium on Friday, March 12, 1999 from 1:45 to 3:45 P.M. Later that afternoon, there will be a joint reception for the American and Japanese Associations of Oral Biologists from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. We are pleased to acknowledge the Block Drug Co. and the CollaGenex Pharmaceutical Corp. for their support of this reception. Please make every effort to attend the reception and to meet you colleagues from the American and Japanese Associations of Oral Biologists. The editors would like to thank Dr. Tadashi Yamada, Vice-president of JAOB for providing us with an introduction to his organization. Congratulations to Drs. Olav Alvares and Dana Graves for their efforts in organizing this joint symposium.
This edition of the Newsletter contains important information concerning the AAOB business meeting which will occur on Friday, March 12, 1999 from 4:30 to 5:30 P.M. at the AADR meeting in Vancouver. Please make the time to attend these important events if you will be in Vancouver this year.
This past year, the AAOB presented an Award in Oral Biology to 36 graduating dental students from 35 dental schools in the U.S. and Canada. We congratulate all the award winners for their academic excellence and demonstrated work in Oral Biology. We hope that this award program will promote interest and research in Oral Biology among undergraduate dental students. All members are asked to remind their Deans of the award program so that we can have as many schools as possible participating in the second year of the program. International members are also invited to participate in this program at their institution. International members should contact the Committee Chair directly to receive information and nomination forms for this award program. Additional information on the AAOB Oral Biology award program is contained in this Newsletter.
The AAOB Newsletter
Steven D. London, D.D.S., Ph.D., Editor
John G. Blackburn, Ph.D., Co-Editor
The AAOB Newsletter is published for the members of the American Association of Oral Biologists and individuals interested in the discipline of Oral Biology. Statements in this publication do not constitute an endorsement by the College of Dental Medicine or the Medical University of South Carolina. All correspondence should be directed to Dr. Steven D. London, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical University of South Carolina, 171 Ashley Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina 29425 (E-Mail: LondonSD@MUSC.EDU).
It is with deep regret that we announce the passing of Britta Månsson-Rahemtulla on January 16, 1999. Britta was an AAOB member since 1991 and was married to Firoz Rahemtulla who served as an appointed director of the AAOB from 1995 – 1996. We offer our condolesences to Firoz and his family and appreciate the contribution of the moving memorial to Britta by Dr. Kenneth M. Pruitt (Professor of Biochemistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham) which is included in this Newsletter. Donations may be made in Brittas memory to The Britta Rahemtulla Fellowship Fund, UAB Gift Records, 1230 Administration Building, 701 20th St. South, Birmingham, AL 35294-0112.
The editors would like to thank all the members of the AAOB who have provided input and contributed to this Newsletter. It was our intention to provide a Newsletter that was informative to the membership of AAOB events and happenings in Oral Biology. Starting this March, Dr. Leigh Anderson will become the new editor of the AAOB Newsletter. We wish him well in his new capacity as editor and hope that the membership and officers will be as helpful to him as they have been to us in the past seven years.
Letter from the President of the AAOB, Dr. Olav Alvares
It is indeed a pleasure to note that, in this past year, the AAOB continues to make its presence felt both on the national and
the international scene. To wit, in 1998, 36 dental schools participated in the Oral Biology award which will be presented annually
to a senior dental student in recognition for his/her interest and contribution to the field of Oral Biology. I would like to
thank Dr. Frank Dowd for all his efforts in implementing this Oral Biology Award. At the international level, the AAOB will be hosting
the first joint Symposium of the AAOB and the Japanese Association of Oral Biologists on Friday March 12th afternoon. The
symposium is titled "Cytokine Biology and Oral Diseases" and boasts a slate of well known and erudite speakers. I hope there will
be a good turn out of the members of our organization at this symposium. Dr. Dana Graves, Program Officer, deserves special
recognition for putting this program together in his usual and efficient manner. It is perhaps worthwhile to have a joint symposium,
every two years, with other international associations in Oral Biology. Following the symposium, there will be a reception that should
afford a splendid opportunity for us to mingle and to befriend our counterparts from Japan. I am truly appreciative of our friends
in Industry—Block Drug Co. and Collagenex – for providing financial support for this reception. All AAOB events are on
Friday , March 12, 1999. Times and locations are listed on the last page of this Newsletter.
I would like to thank Dr. Frank Oppenheim, Past-president, for taking care of the election of the new officers of our organization. Drs. Leigh Anderson (University of Washington) and Mike Dodds (University of Texas, San Antonio) have agreed to take on the Newsletter and Webmaster, respectively, effective March 1999. Please give these two talented individuals whatever assistance they might need in carrying out their responsibilities. Lastly, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to our out going Secretary-Treasurer, Dr. Steven London for his yeomen service and dedication to furthering the goals of the AAOB. Steve has served for eight years in one capacity or another as an officer of the AAOB. During that period, one can point to a number of his achievements including those that we have come to take for granted such as the Newsletter, the WEB page etc. But it is only those of us who have worked closely with Steve who can appreciate his most important contribution and that is he brought much needed stability, visibility, and organizational skills to our Association when it was most needed. Many thanks Steve!
Finally, it was indeed a pleasure and honor to have served you as the President of the AAOB. I hope we can all continue to work together to promote the growth and productivity of our organization.
Introduction of the Japanese Association of Oral Biology
The Japanese Association for Oral Biology (JAOB) was established in 1959 and the first meeting was held on October 24 of that
year at Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Tokyo. The association had 2,903 active members and 57 honorary members as of
March 31, 1998.
The membership of the JAOB includes scientists studying in the 6 major fields of oral biology - oral anatomy, oral physiology, oral biochemistry, oral microbiology, oral pathology and dental pharmacology. The membership includes faculty members of dental as well as medical schools in Japan whose work encompasses one of the major fields of oral biology.
The JAOB is governed by an executive council that includes the chairmen of departments involved in oral biology at each of the 29 dental schools in Japan. Additional members of the council are approved by the general membership at the annual meeting. Currently, the executive members of JAOB are:
President: Kazuo Suzuki – (Matsumoto Dental College)
Vice-president: Tadashi Yamada – (Tohoku University School of Dentistry)Standing directors (2 from Oral Anatomy and one each from other 5 fields):
K. Suzuki – (Matsumoto Dental College, Oral Anatomy)
Y. Shigenaga – (Osaka University, Oral Anatomy)
T. Morimoto – (Osaka University, Oral Physiology)
T. Yamada – (Tohoku University, Oral Biochemistry)
S. Hamada – (Osaka University, Oral Microbiology)
H. Nikai – (Hiroshima University, Oral Pathology)
Y. Kato – (Nagasaki University, Dental Pharmacology)Directors: 29 (one from each dental school)
Auditors: 2
The board of directors, composed of the standing directors, meets approximately 6 times a year to approve the settlement of accounts, a supplementary budget, the budget for the coming year, to select honorary members, and to carry out any other association business.
The JAOB has an annual meeting every year in fall. The 39th Annual Meeting of JAOB was held on October 1-2, 1997 in Kitakyushu. The plenary lecture, "The possibility of applying soft-computing to oral biology", was given by Takeshi Yamakawa (Professor, Kyushu Technical College. There were 455 presentations at the meeting, with 38 oral presentations at 6 symposia. In addition, 6 JAOB Award lectures were presented by Y. Masuda (Osaka University), J. Fujita-Yoshigaki (Nippon University at Matsudo), N. Takahashi (Tohoku University), T. Katagiri (Showa University), K. Ishihara (Tokyo Dental College) and H. Ichijo (The Cancer Institute; Tokyo Medical and Dental University).
One of the most important roles of the JAOB is to elect candidates who review grant applications from the Japanese Minister of Education, Science, Sports and Culture. Council members elect the candidates which are then presented to the Science Council of Japan.
The Japanese Journal of Oral Biology, an official journal of JAOB, is published bimonthly. The journal includes review papers, original articles and short communications concerning anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, pathology and pharmacology. The journal is written in both Japanese and English.
The membership of the JAOB is looking forward to the joint symposium, together with the AAOB, planned for the IADR meeting in Vancouver in 1999. This will not only be an excellent scientific symposium, but it will also provide a forum for members of both associations to interact.
Tadashi YAMADA
Vice President, Japanese Association of Oral Biologists
Chairman, Department of Oral Biochemistry
Tohoku University School of Dentistry
AAOB Membership Status and Financial Condition as of December 31, 1998
The following table provides information on the composition of our membership since the inception of the association
in 1989. We are pleased to welcome the new members who have joined the association in 1998. While we have gained 10
new members in 1998, we have declined from 129 active members in 1997 to 113 active members in 1998. The current
members are asked to encourage previous members to become current in their dues and to continue recruiting new members
during 1999. Membership application forms are included with the mailing of this Newsletter and are also available in
all issues of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. Additionally, a membership application
form can be obtained from the AAOB Home Page at
Year | # Joined | # Active |
1989 | 113 | 43 |
1990 | 10 | 6 |
1991 | 5 | 3 |
1992 | 8 | 8 |
1993 | 5 | 3 |
1994 | 10 | 5 |
1995 | 23 | 12 |
1996 | 31 | 19 |
1997 | 6 | 4 |
1998 | 10 | 10 |
Total | 221 | 113 |
The following financial statement covers the 1998 calendar year. The balance of the association funds increased by $4,250.08 during the 1998 calendar year after association expenses for the AAOB Newsletter and the AAOB Oral Biology Award. Of the total increase, the majority represents corporate donations from The Block Drug Co. and Collagenex Pharmaceuticals.
Association Balance (1/1/98) | $8,162.11 | |||
Inflows | ||||
1997 Dues | 36.00 | |||
1998 Dues | 1,296.00 | |||
1998 CROBM | 100.00 | |||
Corporate Donations | 3,250.00 | |||
Interest Earned | 59.47 | |||
Total Inflows | $4,741.47 | |||
Outflows | ||||
IADR (for CROBM) | 55.00 | |||
Newsletter Expenses | 254.07 | |||
Oral Biology Award Expenses | 122.32 | |||
Bank Charges | 5.00 | |||
Refunds to Members (Overpayment of Dues) | 55.00 | |||
Total Outflows> | ($491.39) | |||
Balance for 1998 | $4,250.08 | |||
Association Balance (12/31/98) | $12,412.19 |
1999 AAOB Business Meeting
The 1999 AAOB Business Meeting will be held in conjunction with the AADR meeting Vancouver, British Columbia on Friday,
March 12 from 4:30 to 5:30 P.M. in the Nootka Room of the Waterfront Centre Hotel. A number of items of interest will be
discussed at this meeting and all members are urged to attend.
The planned agenda for the meeting includes the approval of the minutes from the 1998 meeting in Minneapolis, report on the AAOB elections, financial and membership reports, the status of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, and a report from the Oral Biology Section of the AADS which will include an update on the AADS Foundation Knowledge initiative. Dr. Olav Alvares will discuss the symposium and plans for future symposia. Dr. Frank Dowd will discuss the status and recipients of the first series of the AAOB Award in Oral Biology program. Subscriptions to Archives of Oral Biology as a membership benefit to AAOB members will also be discussed. Dr. Frank Oppenheim will discuss the results of the survey of oral biology curricula.
Billing for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine continues to be handled directly by the International Association of Dental Research
All current AAOB members will receive a copy of their 1999 dues notice with this Newsletter. 1999 dues remain at $12.00 for full and student members. The association is no longer billing for Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine (CROBM). Subscriptions to CROBM are handled directly with the publisher, the International Association for Dental Research. All current AAOB members should have received an invoice from the IADR last fall for their 1999 subscription to CROBM. AAOB members pay a reduced annual rate of $70.00 for CROBM (Air delivery is available for members outside of the US and Canada for an additional charge). Subscriptions to CROBM are optional for student members. Any questions concerning your CROBM subscription should be addressed to Mr. Bobby Phipps at the International Association for Dental Research, 1619 Duke Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314-3406. Mr. Phipps can also be contacted by phone at 703-548-0066, extension 23 (FAX 703-548-1883) or by E-mail:
1999 AAOB Joint Program with the Japanese Association of Oral Biologists
This year the AAOB will present a major symposium with the Japanese Association of Oral Biologists. "Cytokine Biology in
Oral Diseases". Cytokines play an important role in protecting the host from microbial pathogens and in orchestrating
the initial steps of wound healing. However, the prolonged or excessive expression of cytokines is associated with
debilitating systemic illnesses such as septic shock, and with chronic diseases such as arthritis. This symposium will
highlight current knowledge regarding the function of cytokines in a number of processes that occur in the oral cavity.
The induction of cytokines and their role in protecting the host as well as mediating tissue damage in response to bacterial
insult will be discussed in the context of periodontal disease progression and formation of lesions of endodontic origin.
The function of cytokines in modulating the growth of oral tumors both directly, and indirectly through their affect on
angiogenesis, will be discussed. The induction of cytokine production by trauma, and the resulting consequence of this
expression will be highlighted by examining the role of cytokines in promoting the early events of wound healing as well
as later events in tissue regeneration and repair. Lastly, the induction of cytokine inhibitors in vivo and the therapeutic
uses of cytokine inhibitors in treating human pathologies will be discussed.
Keynote Speaker - Overview of cytokine biology: Peter Polverini (University of Michigan)Cytokines and Inflammation: Shinya Murakami (Osaka University)
Cytokines and Oral Tumors: Mark Lingen (Northwestern University)
Cytokines and Periodontal and Periapical Inflammation: Dana Graves (Boston University)
Cytokines and Wound Healing: Hidenori Ichijo (Tokyo Medical and Dental University)
Cytokine Inhibitors as Therapeutic Agents: A. Troutt (Immunex Corporation)
The symposium will be held on Friday, March 12, 1999 from 1:45 to 3:45 P.M. in Ballroom B, Vancouver Convention and Trade Center.
AAOB Award in Oral Biology for Graduating Dental Students
At the 1997 AAOB business meeting, it was agreed that the AAOB will initiate in 1998 an award program which will honor
graduating senior dental students who have been involved in research in Oral Biology during their dental school career.
Such an award will be given once a year to a senior dental student in each dental school at their spring student awards
ceremony. The committee to establish the Oral Biology Award was commissioned at the spring 1997 AAOB business meeting in
Orlando, and has now gone through the first cycle of awards. The award program operates as follows: In January of each
year a letter will be sent to the Dean of each Dental School in the United States and Canada. In addition, AAOB members
at international dental schools are also encouraged to arrange for this award to be given at their institution. This letter
will explain the purpose of the award, list the criteria for the award, give information on the AAOB as the sponsoring
organization of the award and give the deadline for submission of the needed information on the candidate. The information
requested will include a brief description of the student's research and academic accomplishments, publications,
presentations and academic rank. Each school will be encouraged to fund a one-year subscription to Critical Reviews
in Oral Biology and Medicine at the student discount rate. Our committee formulated the criteria for the award and
decided on the types of information needed from the schools. The criteria encompass original research, critical thinking,
future research potential, high academic standing, interest or appreciation for teaching, and furthering of public
understanding of oral biology. After receiving the names of the nominees, certificates will be printed. Dr. Steven London,
the AAOB Secretary/Treasurer, has agreed to make the certificates (suitable for framing) after the Committee Chair,
AAOB Past-President Dr. Frank Dowd, supplies the names of the nominees. Signatures of AAOB officers will be gathered at
the AADR meeting and the certificates mailed to each school in April. This award will give recognition to deserving dental
students as well as to introduce them to the AAOB and Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. Congratulations
to the first round award winners!
All members are asked to remind their Deans of the award program so that we can have as many schools as possible participating in the program. International members are also invited to participate in this program at their institution. International members should contact the Committee Chair directly to receive information and nomination forms for this award program. Please contact: Dr. Frank Dowd |
1998 Student Awardees of the AAOB Oral Biology Award
1 | Anissa Monseau Anderson | West Virginia University School of Dentistry |
2 | Mitzi R. Becker | The Ohio State University College of Dentistry |
3 | Robert Bouclin | Universite Laval Faculte de Meddecine Dentaire |
4 | Jennifer L. Brunig | University of Oklahoma College of Dentistry |
5 | Tiffany Lynn Bullelr-Schussler | Indiana University School of Dentistry |
6 | Brian John Buurma | University of Michigan School of Dentistry |
7 | Brian P. Callahan | University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Dentistry |
8 | Kenneth Ray Collins | Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry |
9 | Amy L. David | University of Louisville School of Dentistry |
10 | John W. Distel | Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine |
11 |
Laurence A. Golden |
Northwestern University Dental School |
12 | Amrita Kaur Grover | Tufts University School of Dental Medicine |
13 | Brian Hardy | University of Kentucky College of Dentistry |
14 | Kelvin A.W. Hill | Loma Linda University School of Dentistry |
15 | Steve M. Krakora | University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine |
16 | Allen K. Langford | University of Tennessee College of Dental Medicine |
17 | Jennifer Lohse | University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Dental School |
18 | ELizabeth K. Lyons | State University of New York at Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine |
19 | Daniel Ming-Tak MA | Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine |
20 | Paul J. Morris | University of the Pacific School of Dentistry |
21 | Sammi Stefan Noumbissi | Howard University College of Dentistry |
22 | Shamala Leanne Pizza | Temple University School of Dentistry |
23 | Christopher Register | University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Dentistry |
24 | Andrew T. Rosen | University of Texas Health Sciences Center - San Antonio Dental School |
25 | Thomas John Ruescher* | Harvard School of Dental Medicine |
26 | Mary Ann C. Sabino | University of Minnesota School of Dentistry |
27 | Aaron P. Sarathy | College of Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina |
28 | Darrell R. Sherman | University of Texas Health Sciences Center - Houston Dental School |
29 | Michael Steward Shunock | University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry |
30 | John Joe Simmons III | Baylor College of Dentistry, The Texas A&M University System |
31 | Ravipan I. Smith | Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry |
32 | Brian Alexander Suh | University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine |
33 | Andrew W. Summers |
Creighton University School of Dentistry |
34 | Corbin Jefferson Turpin III | Louisiana State University School of Dentistry |
35 | Trent Westernoff ** | Harvard School of Dental Medicine |
36 | Eric Shih-Chang Yao | University of Washington School of Dentistry |
* Class of 1998A | ||
** Class of 1998B |
Report from the Editor, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine
In December 1999, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine will have completed ten years of its existence. It has been only in the last four years that the Institute of Scientific information included CROBM in its scientific impact analysts. And for three of those four years CROBM was ranked second for its scientific impact among 42 of the best known journals in dentistry worldwide. Without question much of the credit for this standing has to be attributed to the authors who so willingly gave of their time and talents to contribute to CROBM as well as the numerous individuals in the scientific community for their generosity in participating in the peer review process. As the official organ of the AAOB I hope the members of the Association will draw some pride and satisfaction with the standing of the Journal.
The manuscripts for the publication of the four issues for 1999 are in the hands of the publisher, IADR. In addition, there are 62 manuscripts at various stages and this should ensure the uninterrupted and hopefully high quality, publication of the Journal up to January/February 2002.
In the Planning stages is to include in the Journal articles titled "Controversy". This would be the counterpart of the "Discovery" articles that appear in the JDR. These "Controversy" articles would be authored by senior top notch scientists who would write intentionally highly provocative articles which go out of their way to criticize existing dogma and which speculate on alternative hypothesis which deserve to be tested.
Three individuals—Drs. Beverly Dale-Crunk (University of Washington), Ken Kornman (Medical Sciences, San Antonio) and Sue Michalek (University of Alabama)—rotated of the Editorial Board. The Editor is very grateful for their tangible support and contributions. Their positions were filled in by Drs. Richard Ellen (University of Toronto, Microbiology/Periodontology), Rena D’Sousa (University of Texas at Houston, Molecular Pulp Biology) and Dan Smith (Forsyth Dental Center, Immunology/Dental Caries, Periodontal Diseases.) These individuals will prove to be a valuable asset in overseeing the workings of the Journal.
In April 1999, the publisher, IADR, hired a consulting firm, Stratton Associates, to look into all aspects of JDR, CROBM, and Advances in Dental Research. Some of you may even have participated in the survey questionnaire they sent out. Stratton is expected to provide its recommendations to IADR sometime soon and these recommendations will be deliberated upon at the Council meeting in May. In the interim, I am concerned about the fiscal profile of CROBM. The initial deficit of ~ $6000/-for 1998 is up to ~ $16000/- following a recalculation of the IADR staff effort and time that goes into the Journal. Some of this deficit will recouped by the increase in dues to $70.00 for 1999. But even further increase in dues will most probably take place. I will await with interest the recommendations of Stratton and Associates and the ensuing discussion at the May Council meeting. My efforts to make the Journal an official organ (and therefore compulsory subscription) of the JAOB were not fruitful. I am now pursuing one other international association and will keep you informed as things develop. Of course, let me know if you know of a couple of wealthy benefactors, in need of a tax break, who might be willing to partly underwrite a worthy cause!! Finally, the constructive comments and criticisms of the members of the AAOB have always been welcomed
The American Association of Oral Biologists World Wide Web Home Page
Since 1995 the AAOB has maintained an American Association of Oral Biologists Home Page on the World Wide Web. The
AAOB Home Page has been updated several times since its introduction in 1995 and starting March 1999, the Webpage will
be maintained by Dr. Mike Dodds (University of Texas, San Antonio). Please plan on visiting this site on a periodic
basis and providing your input to the new Webmaster. The AAOB Home Page contains links to other dental sites of interest
to AAOB members and has important information on the AAOB and its activities (AAOB Bylaws, Curricular Guidelines for Oral
Biology, past issues of AAOB Newsletters, abstracts of articles which appear in current and past issues of Critical
Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, and AAOB Membership Application materials). The AAOB Home Page can be accessed
at the following URL address via your favorite web browser (i.e. Netscape, Mosaic, or your particular favorite):
Minutes of the 1998 Annual AAOB Business Meeting
The 1998 Annual AAOB business meeting was held on Thursday, March 5, 1998 from 5:00 - 6:30 P.M. in Board Room 2 of the
Minneapolis Hilton Hotel. Dr. Frank Oppenheim, AAOB president, opened the meeting and extended his appreciation to the
AAOB officers for their input during the preceding year. He then set the agenda and led the membership in their discussion
of the following items of business.
Item 1: The minutes of the AAOB business meeting on Thursday, March 20, 1997 at the Peabody Hotel in Orlando, Florida were accepted as presented in the January, 1998 issue (Volume 6, Issue 1) of the American Association of Oral Biologists Newsletter.Item 2: Dr. Steven D. London, AAOB Secretary/Treasurer reported that the balance of Association funds as of December 31, 1997 was $8,162.11. There were 129 members in good standing for the 1997 calendar year. Dr. London reported that 1998 Dues will be $12.00. $55.00 dues for the 1998 issues Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine will be handled directly with the publisher (IADR). Subscription to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine will remain optional for associate (student) and retired members. Dues Notices were sent out in January 1998.
1997 marked the third year that all full association members were required to subscribe to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. Dr. London reported that he collected and forwarded $4,039.00 in subscription fees for 1997 issues of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine to the IADR/AADR. Dr. London thanked Mr. Bobby Phipps (IADR Membership Dues Coordinator) for his help in the coordination of the Journal subscriptions for AAOB members and for allowing international members to pay their dues by credit card to the AADR.
Item 3: Dr. Frank Dowd reported the results of the 1998 AAOB election. Of 129 ballots mailed, 60 responded (46%). The following members were elected or appointed officers for 1998-1999:
President: Olav Alvares Univ. of Texas, San Antonio President-Elect: Kenneth Etzel University of Pittsburgh Secretary/Treasurer: Steven D. London (1996-1999) Medical University of South Carolina Elected Directors: Dorthea A. Johnson-
Alvares (1998-2000) Univ. of Texas, San Antonio Leigh Anderson (1997-1999) University of Washington Appointed Directors: Salomon Amar (1998-1999) Boston University Andrew Spielman (1998-1999) New York University Program Officer: Dana Graves (1998-2000) Boston University Past-President: Frank Oppenheim Boston University Editor, CROBM Olav Alvares Univ. of Texas, San Antonio Item 4:Dr. Olav Alvares, Editor of Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, reported that there were 515 subscriptions to the journal in 1997, that there were 59 manuscripts in various stages of preparation which would take the journal into the year 2000, and that subscriptions to the Journal would cost $70/year for AAOB members starting in 1999. He reported that the IADR was concerned with the viability of all of its journals and that a consultant firm was being hired to evaluate association publications. Dr. Alvares commented that he was concerned with the long-term outlook for the journal and said that he wanted to take a proactive role in trying to increase the journal's circulation. In this regard, he reported that the association's board of directors approved seeking subscriptions to the journal by other oral biology or dental education associations. To initiate this process, Dr. Alvares said he would contact the Japanese Association of Oral Biologists.
Item 5: Dr. Steven London, Councilor of the AADS Oral Biology Section reported on the status of the AADS initiative on competency based dental education. At the March 1997 AADS meeting, the AADS House of Delegates accepted a clinical competency document. Dr. London reported that the importance of Foundation Knowledge as a means to integrate the basic sciences and oral biology with clinical competencies received attention in the form of a workshop held in the fall of 1997 at the AADS Council of Sections interim meeting. Nine competency statements were selected and developed as examples of how foundation knowledge relates to clinical competencies. Dr. London reported that this initiative would continue to be an emphasis of the Oral Biology section in the coming year. He encouraged AAOB members to join the AADS Oral Biology Section and to support its efforts in emphasizing the critical role of the basic sciences and oral biology in dental education.
Item 6: The revised AAOB Bylaws, which were presented at the 1997 annual meeting in Orlando, Florida and which were further revised based on comments received at that meeting, was presented to the membership in the January, 1998 issue (Volume 6, Issue 1) of the American Association of Oral Biologists Newsletter. A ballot was mailed to all AAOB members in January 1998 and 100% of the ballots returned approved of the amended Bylaws without comment. Andrew I. Spielman also presented the revised Bylaws to the membership in Minneapolis and these were accepted without comment. Andrew I. Spielman and Firoz Rahemtulla were acknowledged for their work on this project.
Item 7: Dr. Frank Dowd reviewed discussions held at the 1997 meeting in Orlando to initiate an AAOB award in Oral Biology which would honor graduating senior dental students who have been involved in research in Oral Biology during their dental school career. The award will be presented by the AAOB to a graduating senior student who has been nominated by the dean upon recommendation of the faculty. Dr. Dowd reported that he contacted the deans of all dental schools in the US and Canada and solicited them to nominate one candidate for the AAOB Oral Biology award from their institution. Dr. Dowd, with the help of Dr. Steven D. London, is in the process of making certificates and plans to distribute them to the dental schools for presentation to students this spring (1998) at their graduation ceremonies.
Item 8: Dr. Olav Alvares reported that he had contacted the Japanese Association of Oral Biologists to co-sponsor a joint symposium at the 1999 IADR/AADR meeting in Vancouver, Canada. The JAOB approved a joint symposium at its board meeting on January 5, 1998. The proposed title is "Cytokine Biology in Oral Disease". Dr. Alvares and Dr. Dana Graves (Program Officer) will continue to work on the symposium this year. Dr. Alvares received approval from the membership to seek corporate support of the symposium.
Item 9: Dr. Frank Oppenheim, AAOB President, initiated a discussion of a number of items of New Business. They included:
- The members discussed of the role of the AAOB and it was agreed that the focus of the AAOB should be on educational, as opposed to research issues. Since there are a number of other associations of oral biology or dental education (British, European, Japanese, etc.), a resolution was passed to explore the possibility of forming an International Association of Oral Biologists. The role of an International Association of Oral Biologists was envisioned to be similar to that performed by the International Association for Dental Research in providing support and an umbrella organization for its national affiliate organizations.
- Dr. Frank Oppenheim, AAOB President, appointed a committee to evaluate oral biology in the predoctoral dental curriculum. The committee will report its finding at next year's business meeting in Vancouver. Members of the committee are Drs. Frank Oppenheim (chair), Frank Dowd, Andrew Spielman, Mustafa Kh. Dabbous, Israel Kleinberg, Solomon Amar, Kenneth Etzel, and Kenneth Izutsu
With no further business items to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 P.M.
Archives of Oral Biology
The AAOB webpage currenty links to the Archives of Oral Biology homepage. Amy Hunter, the manager of Archives
of Oral Biology, at Elsevier Science Ltd. has indicated that she would like to offer AAOB members the additional
opportunity of subscribing to Archives at a discounted rate exclusive to the AAOB. There is an obvious advantage
to the members in this offer, but also a clear benefit to the journal in that it would increase exposure to individual
As Archives is a monthly publication, the rate will inevitably be higher than the members' subscription to Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine. However it is still in the range affordable by the individual: for 1999 it would be US$95.
To ensure no administrative burden would be placed on the AAOB, subscriptions would be handled directly to Elsevier. We will discuss this possibility as an added membership benefit at the business meeting in Vancouver.
1998 Winners of the AAOB Junior Scientist Award
The Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science, Region 7, had their annual science fair on Saturday, February 6, 1999. It
was held at Baldwin High School. Two Junior Scientist Awards from the American Association of Oral Biologists were
awarded to:
Lia Faccenda, Grade 7, St Louise de Marillac School, Ms Dori Lijewski, Teacher for her project "Color: does is affect taste perception?"Lauren M Taylor, Grade 10, Alderdice High School, Mr Phil Campbell, Teacher, for "Effects of NSAIDDs on healing of osteoblastic cells in vitro"
Both projects were evaluated by an independent group of judges and received first place ratings. Over 1,000 students, from grades 7 through 12, presented their projects. The objectives of the of the PJAS include improving the quality of acheivement in the sciences by encouraging students to participate in scientific research and developing an understanding of the operation of the scientific community through close association with leaders in the scientific disciplines.
The AAOB, through the sponsorship of the Junior Scientist Award, recoginizes this opportunity to support the objectives of the PJAS and those of the AADS as well. For example, the theme for our upcoming annual meeting in Vancouver is "Focus on Faculty: Recruitment, Development and Retention". The connection between the resources provided in the arena of the high schools and the future of dental education will be highlighted by the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Jay Matthews, during the Plenary Session on Sunday, March 7.
News From the Oral Biology Section of the American Association of Dental Schools (AADS)
Greetings from your colleagues in the American Association of Dental Schools Oral Biology Section! I know that a number
of you are members of our section. If you are not a member, I would encourage you to join our section. I am a member of
the American Association of Oral Biologists and appreciate the interactions that occur between the AAOB and the AADS Oral
Biology Section. If you would like more information about our Section, please contact me at
I want to invite all members of the AAOB to our AADS Oral Biology Section business meeting that will be held on Tuesday, March 9 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in room 16 of the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center. This is a time change from what is listed in the program. We will be meeting at the same time and place as the Biochemistry and Nutrition Section so that both Sections can discuss topics of mutual interest as well as conduct their own business meetings. In addition, I would like to invite you to attend the program, "Chocolate and Oral Health - The True Story", that our Section is sponsoring that will be held on Tuesday, March 9 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. in room 16 of the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center. Please join us!
Byron Olson
Chair, AADS Oral Biology Section
AADS Basic Science Sections Caucus
The Oral Biology Section of the American Association of Dental Schools will caucus with the other basic biomedical
science sections at the annual session in Vancouver on Sunday, March 7, 1999 at 1-3 P.M in Room 10, Vancouver
Convention and Trade Center. We will discuss progress on the development of Foundation Knowledge as it relates
to the recently adopted clinical competency statements. Other items to be discussed include section viability,
combined section programming, national projects, and a home page and/or a newsletter will also be discussed.
AADS Oral Biology Section Business Meeting
The Oral Biology Section of the American Association of Dental Schools will meet at the annual session in Vancouver
on Tuesday, March 9, 1999 at 4-5 P.M. Check the meeting program for the room assignment. We will discuss the sections
progress in supporting the American Association of Dental Schools webpage, the section's involvement on the development
of Foundation Knowledge as it relates to the recently adopted clinical competency statements, and other section projects.
We will also continue discussion of topics raised in the Basic Science Sections. New officers will be elected. Please
plan to attend this meeting if you will be attending the American Association of Dental Schools meeting in Vancouver.
AADS Oral Biology Section Joint Symposium "Chocolate and Oral Health – The True Story"
In this session, speakers will discuss various topics pertaining to the role of chocolate in oral health. Dr. Shelby
Kashket (Forsyth Dental Center) will cover the acidity, duration of exposure, and nutrient composition of chocolate in
relation to oral infectious diseases. Dr. Trevor Grenby (Guy’s Hospital at GKT Dental Institute) will discuss
issues involving milk versus nonmilk chocolate, possible dental protective factors in chocolate, and the properties
of chocolate made with isomalt instead of sucrose. Dr. Riva Touger-Decker (University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey) will explore the fit of chocolate into dietary guidelines for oral and overall health. The symposium
will be on Tuesday, March 9, 1999 at 5:00 - 6:30 P.M. in Room 16 of the Vancouver Convention and Trade Center.
In Memoriam*
Britta Månsson-Rahemtulla
August 24, 1944 - January 16, 1999
Britta Månsson-Rahemtulla was born in Örnsköldvik, Sweden, and received her early education there. When she was eleven years old, her family moved to Stockholm where she received her high school education. Subsequently she earned the B.D.S. (University of Stockholm, 1965), the D.D.S. (University of Umeå, 1969), the Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry (University of Umeå, 1977), the M.S. in Oral Biology (UAB, 1982), the Dr. Odont. (University of Umeå, 1987), and the Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry (UAB, 1987). In 1978, she was appointed Chairman, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, County of Halland, Halmstad, Sweden. She was a Research Fellow at the UAB School of Dentistry from 1980-1982. She was appointed as an Assistant Professor at the UAB School of Dentistry in 1982. From 1984-1988, she was Director of the Undergraduate Clinic in Pediatric Dentistry at UAB. She rose through the ranks at UAB to become Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. For the last thirty-one years of her life she was married to Firoz Rahemtulla.
The remainder of this In Memoriam will include tributes to Britta from individuals who were well acquainted with various aspects of her life and career. I would like to begin with these words from A. Powell Davies, which were not written about Britta, but which apply to all of us.
"The years of all of us are short, our lives precarious. Our days and nights go hurrying on and there is scarcely time to do the little that we might. Here we are - all of us - all upon this planet, bound together in a common destiny. Living our lives between the briefness of the daylight and the dark. Kindred in this, each lighted by the same precarious, flickering flame of life, how does it happen that we are not kindred in all things else?"
Britta was kindred to us in many different ways - as a colleague, as a friend, as a teacher, as a scholar. During our years of collaboration, I had occasions to consult with Britta while she was working in the pediatric clinic. The great skill and caring which she brought to her work there was apparent even to a non-dentist.
"In 1988, I returned from Boston fresh from a fellowship. Our school had been reorganized. I landed in a department for which Britta had been called upon for leadership. Just a year or two before, Britta had learned of her cancer. Our character and grit are measured when we face the dark hours of adversity. Britta transformed the darkness of her illness into a radiant light fueled by conviction and courage. Her commitment to her profession is manifest today in hundreds of clinicians who not only practice the excellent care she taught them but do so with the compassion and caring that she cherished. By quiet example, she inspired the clinicians who follow in her footsteps - sharing her passion to fiercely protect and preserve the oral health of children." - Mary Lynn Capilouto, Dean of the School of Dentistry, UAB.
Britta was a hard taskmaster, but behind that disciplined approach to duty, there was a warm, compassionate human being.
"Dearest Britta: The time has come to say good-bye for now, but we shall be talking to each other again, many times. You knew that one day we would be walking through the valley of the shadow of death, but you would not have liked for us to stay there, or even to be there in the first place. Without fanfare, almost as if you did not know that you were doing it, you lifted us away from the troubles and sorrows of our lives, and when I think of you, I am reminded of what Luciano de Crescenzo said…'We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other.' Hard as it may be, we shall try to honor your memory and your example by embracing each other and lifting ourselves from this valley, as you would have liked us to do." - Lennart Rodén, Professor of Biochemistry, UAB
Britta was always eager to learn and eager to share her knowledge. She was very good at sharing her knowledge.
"…Dr. Britta as many of her students would call her was a special person to me….I met Dr. Britta and her husband Dr. Firoz when I was a junior at UAB…When I began dental school one of the first familiar faces I would encounter was Dr. Britta…My student-teacher relationship with Dr. Britta would evolve into a different type of relationship when I became a faculty member…In the fall of 1998 I would join Dr. Britta on Friday morning for the senior dental students case presentations. I will always remember sitting through those case presentations and thinking to myself, 'I am still learning from Dr. Britta.' …Thinking back to all the times Dr. Britta was there to help me, I have come to realize how committed she was to what she loved to do and that was to teach. There were some Friday mornings when I know she was not feeling her best and yet, she was always on time. She always greeted me with a warm hello, and she always managed to ask every student at least one question which was very challenging. Today in my own private practice I use many of the things that Dr. Britta taught me…I feel that a long time ago, maybe as our first encounter, she made a commitment to one of her students. It was that commitment which made a world of difference for me. The best teachers have that type of impact on their students. Kimberly R. Carr, Private Practitioner, Pediatric Dentistry, Homewood, Alabama.
I first met Britta and Firoz in 1975 when I was a Visiting Scientist in the laboratory of Thorild Ericson at the University of Umeå, Sweden. At that time Firoz was also working in Thorild Ericson's laboratory, and Britta was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. Britta and Firoz invited me to dinner at their home in Umeå. That dinner marked the beginning of our relationship. That relationship developed over the next few years. In 1980 Britta was appointed a Research Fellow at the University of Alabama School of Dentistry in order to pursue a Master's Degree in Oral Biology. Firoz received a research appointment in the Department of Biochemistry. Britta decided to do her thesis research in my laboratory.
Among the several projects that we designed for Britta, there were two that were especially challenging. These two projects required the utilization of technically difficult biochemical procedures. Britta was not trained in biochemistry, but she was a fast learner.
The first of Britta's difficult projects was to determine whether or not the salivary peroxidase system functioned within the salivary glands. At that time, the general belief was that the peroxidase system only functioned after saliva was secreted from the glands into the mouth. Britta's experiments proved that the products of the salivary peroxidase system were present in parotid saliva taken directly from the duct and, therefore, the system was fully functional within the gland.
The second difficult project was to isolate and study the human salivary peroxidase enzyme. The enzyme is present in very small amounts in human saliva which also contains many other proteins. To separate the small amounts of the peroxidase enzyme from the other salivary proteins and to obtain enough of the pure enzyme to actually carry out biochemical studies required the collection and processing of several liters of human parotid saliva. At that time there was little interest in the research community in carrying out such an arduous project. The common belief was that human salivary peroxidase was identical to the peroxidase enzyme in cow's milk and that enzyme had been purified and studied extensively by many investigators. So why go to all that bother? Britta was able to isolate and purify the human enzyme and to make a detailed study of its biochemical properties. Her work showed that the human enzyme was not identical in composition to the enzyme in cow's milk and that the biochemical properties of the human enzyme differed significantly from those of the cow enzyme.
UAB awarded Britta her Master's Degree in Oral Biology in 1982. She continued her work and returned to Umeå to write her dissertation under the guidance of Thorild Ericson. Britta was awarded the Dr. of Odontology Degree from the University of Umeå in 1987.
The manuscripts which Britta published describing her work during these years earned her the international respect of the research community and established her as one of the world's leading scholars in dental research. Subsequently, Britta and Firoz and other colleagues went on to carry out many exciting research projects. They continued to gain international recognition for their work.
I conclude this In Memoriam tribute to Britta with some lines from Conrad Aiken. I was reminded of Aiken's words because music was one of the many things which Britta and Firoz loved together.
"Music I heard with you was more than music,
And bread I broke with you was more than bread;
Your hands once touched this table and this silver,
And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.
These things do not remember you, beloved,
And yet your touch upon them will not pass.
For it was in my heart you moved among them,
And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes,
And in my heart they will remember always,-
They knew you once, O beautiful and wise."
- Contributed by Dr. Kenneth M. Pruitt, Professor of Biochemistry, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Reminder ....Please plan to attend the following Oral Biology related events at the AADR/AADS joint meetings in Vancouver:
AAOB Joint Symposium with the Japanese Association of Oral Biologists "Cytokine Biology and Oral Diseases" – Friday, March 12, 1999 1:45 - 3:45 P.M. in Ballroom B, Vancouver Convention and Trade Center.
AAOB Business Meeting – Friday, March 12, 1999 4:30 - 5:30 P.M. in the Nootka Room, Waterfront Centre Hotel.
American & Japanese Associations of Oral Biologists Reception – Friday, March 12, 1999 5:30 - 7:30 P.M. in the Princess Louisa Room, Waterfront Centre Hotel.
AADS Basic Science Sections Caucus – Sunday, March 7, 1999 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. in Room 10, Vancouver Convention and Trade Center.
AADS Oral Biology Section Business Meeting – Tuesday, March 9, 1999 4:30 - 5:00 P.M. in Room 16, Vancouver Convention and Trade Center.
AADS Oral Biology Joint Symposium "Chocolate and Oral Health – The True Story" – Tuesday, March 9, 1999 5:00 - 6:30 P.M in Room 16, Vancouver Convention and Trade Center.
AADS Basic Science Sections Business Meetings:
Anatomic SciencesMonday, March 8, 19993:00 - 3:30 P.M.
Biochem/NutritionTuesday, March 9, 19994:00 – 4:30 P.M. CC16
MicrobiologyTuesday, March 9, 19994:00 – 5:00 P.M. CC9
PathologySunday, March 7, 19994:45 - 5:45 P.M. CC13
Pharm/TherapeuticsTuesday, March 9, 199911:15 - 12:15 P.M.
PhysiologySunday, March 7, 19991:00 - 3:00 PM CC10
CC = Vancouver Convention and Trade Center.
*Please verify all Room Assignments in your final programs