Dr. Jerry Pollock

Dr. Jerry Pollock photo


Jerry Pollock, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus
Department of Oral Biology and Pathology

PhD: Biophysics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel (1969)
Fellowship/Advanced Training: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Microbiology, New York University Medical Center (1969-1971)
Research Interests: Natural salivary host defense systems; Role of natural products in prevention of oral and systemic disease; Y-chromosome genetic mapping for Judaic genealogy determination; Use of the antioxidants, Coenzyme Q 10 and Alpha-Lipoic Acid, in the treatment and prevention of Periodontal Disease
Additional: MSc, Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Canada (1965); Assistant Professor, Microbiology, New York University Medical Center (1971-1973).
Language(s) spoken: English
Consultations & Appointments:  
Email Address: Jerry.Pollock@stonybrookmedicine.edu