Dr. Mary Truhlar







Mary Truhlar, DDS, MS
Professor, Department of General Dentistry

DDS: Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine, 1984
Fellowship/Advanced Training:

Milwaukee VAMC Fellowship in Geriatric Dentistry 1986-1988.
MS in Dentistry Marquette University 1986-1988

Residency Training:

LIJ General Practice Residency Program 1984-1986

Research Interests:

The pedagogy of interprofessional and telehealth clinical practice, particularly as it relates to the healthcare needs of elderly, medically complex patients

Language(s) spoken: English

(631) 216-8515

Office Address: 143 Westchester Hall 
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794
Email Address: mary.truhlar@stonybrookmedicine.edu