Prosthodontics Students Awarded at ACP NY
October 2016- Several Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine prosthodontics students were recognized for achievement at the ACP NY competition.
Prosthodontists Chief resident, Dr Jess Yu (Hui Wen Wenn Yu) placed second in the American College of Prosthodontists New York State Section Table Clinic Competition. Jess was awarded second place with travel stipend of $750. Her poster: “Diastemata; Kool or Not? The patient treatment included a cantilever resin bonded provisional fixed prothesis and then an immediate load single tooth implant provisional crown.
Coauthors included Dr. Heba El Kassaby, former Director-AEPP and Dr. Kenneth S. Kurtz, Director, Division of Maxillofacial Prosthetics.
DDS candidates Anya Wolfe and Stella Stavrou won second place for their poster, “How Good is Goodacre” (Part 1 and 2) , which is a literature review of classic papers authored by Dr. Goodacre, a former Dean at Loma Linda.