Adam Bear

Adam Bear

Undergraduate College/University: State University of New York at Buffalo 


During the past three years, I have been involved in the school’s research selective and basic periodontal research. The link between periodontal disease and systemic health has been the underlying interest in the periodontal molecular immunology laboratory of Dr. Christopher W. Cutler, Associate Dean for Research. Mentored by Ph.D. candidate Dr. Julio Carrion, I carried out literature searches and acquired the skills necessary to develop and execute a basic research project. In the spring, I presented the results of research, The Expression of Atherogenic Markers on Blood Derived Dendritic Cells in Chronic Periodontitis and Coronary Heart Disease, at the 2010 Leo Sreebny Research Symposium. The data that I gathered have also been presented at Immunology 2010, the Annual Meeting of The American Association of Immunologists and are to be presented at the IADR General Session in Barcelona, Spain.