Devin S Harrison
Undergraduate College/University: Union College
Development of an Undergraduate Laboratory: The Characterization of Unknown Tripeptides
Dr. Susan J. Kohler and Dr. Joanne D. Kehlbeck, supported by Merck
Development of a laboratory procedure to be used by undergraduates in an organic chemistry course with emphasis on chromatography, rapid microwave hydrolysis, two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance and logical reasoning.
The Synthesis and Evaluation of Novel Molecular Transporters
Dr. Joanne D. Kehlbeck
Organic synthesis, characterization and assay of peptide analogue polypeptoids in exploration of use as molecular transporters that traverse the cell membrane.
Developing an undergraduate laboratory: practical identification of an unknown tripeptide, Steinmetz Symposium, Union College, May 2009.
Development of an undergraduate laboratory: identification of an unknown tripeptide, American Chemical Society Spring 2009 National Meeting & Exposition, March 2009
Development of an Undergraduate Laboratory: Characterization of an Unknown Tripeptide, Union College, July 2008
Novel Molecular Transporters: Membrane Traversers, Union College, August 2007
Awards & Recognition
Samuel S. Feuer (1925) Prize
Union College Prize Day, 2009
Merck Student Scholar, Summer 2008