Ava Rosenbloom

Ava Rosenbloom

Undergraduate College/University: Adelphi University


Research Project Summer 2009:

Mentor:  Lourdes Collazo, SUNY- Stony Brook Department of Materials Science and Engineering


IADR March 2010 in Washington, DC

Leo Sreebny Student Research Day at SUNY- Stony Brook. April 2010


 The Effect of Nanoparticles on Osteoblast Biomineralization:


Used in toothpaste and whitening strips, nanoparticles (NPs) such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and iron oxide have been under scrutiny for their potential to enter the cell and induce apoptosis. The toxicity of Nanoparticles is still unknown.  Our goal is to characterize the minimum concentration of nanoparticles in which bone cells can proliferate. After which, we will determine the effect of nanoparticles on biomineralization.